November 5, 2011       
Who we are | Where we work | Our vision | Our mission | Our strategy
About Us

Who we are ?
PT. Putri Naga Komodo (PNK) is a joint venture company. Under the World Bank funded Komodo Collaborative Management Initiative (KCMI), PNK is working with the Komodo National Park Authority to protect the Park’s uniquely rich marine and terrestrial biodiversity and develop Komodo National Park as an eco-tourism destination for the benefit of local communities and future generation.
Where we work?
Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara
Denpasar, Bali
Loh Liang, Komodo Island
Loh Buaya, Rinca Island
Our vision
The natural beauty of the waters and islands of Komodo national park is well preserved, widely appreciated, wisely used generating benefits for the children of our children
Our mission
Achieve financial sustainability and effective management of Komodo National Park for biodiversity conservation and compatible community development.
Our strategy
  Scientific, professional, and effective conservation programs for marine and terrestrial resources
  Long-term, sustainable, and compatible community development
  Community participation in the park management through stakeholder consultation mechanisms
  Various revenue generating mechanisms to achieve financial sustainability
  Effective tourism development and management code of ethics and safety for tourism operations Komodo National Park as world tourism destination
  Human Resources development for park management
  Effective monitoring and evaluation for adaptive management
Map of Indonesia :
Coral Triangle Center
Putri Naga Komodo.